Green over green flowers represent harmony, growth, endurance and dependability, all of which are vital to our everyday lives.
These bright and vibrant blooms represent the rising sun of a new day, and a reminder of all the things that we rely on for our health and wellbeing.
The deep shade of green speaks to the infinite sources of energy and sustenance that we depend on, while the lighter hue is a bright flash of hope that everything will turn out alright in the end.
Together, the combination of shades indicates a powerful balance that give us confidence in our day-to-day decisions and a dependable assurance that our lives will remain on an even keel.
Make a statement with a monochrome arrangements; minimalist in effects, maximalist in color.
Presented in our Hauspicked knitted floral bag.
And Yes, the knitted basket can be reused for other purposes. There are many ways to repurpose the basket, such as using it as a decoration around your home, using it to store fruits and vegetables, or even using it to hold other decorative items.
*Ps: In the cases where the basket/bag design varies from the picture due to availability, we will replace it with something similar. We will ensure that the alternative basket/bag compliments the flowers and maintains the overall aesthetic of the arrangement. Our priority is to provide personalized service and ensure that our customers are satisfied with their order.
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